2008년 6월 9일 월요일

Now, the Free Flow of Information Act is passed for better information quality to public!!

According to the Miklós Haraszti’s opinion “A Shield Law for The World (Washington post, Jun. 04. 2008)” this editorial talks about a shield law to protect the freedom right for media from the government. It introduces nations about which one is following a shield law or which countries are not following. Then, he supports the Free Flow of Information Act, which is recently passed in the United States as a stronger shield law.
In my opinion, the world needs to the media should keep their own neutrality. To keep the neutrality a shield law is the minimum requirement to keep the press freedom. The Free Flow of Information Act will be more powerful solution to care the common people. Even though we are living in the most democracy country in the world, the absolute authorities are trying to screen information leaking. The stock farming association is a good example representing the power which is trying to screen to the public. Before how they kill cows in their slaughterhouse is issuing people did not know how cows were slaughtered and which cows we were eating. The media were not show the information, how cows are harshly killed and this cows can have higher possibility having a disease. While one of media is focusing on the slaughterhouse to represent customer right, people finally knew that the mad cow disease is threatening the citizen life. Until people found this serious problem, stock farming companies were trying to hide this problem. They lobbied to the government for a long time not to leak their matters to the public. In democracy, the capitalistic economy always comes with money and power which means that, the common people are easy to control by upper classes. We are always as blind as bat from the sensitive problem which can be harm us. Free Flow of Information Act will be the remedy to the people to get over from the unfairness discrimination of important information.

Sourced by "A Shield Law for The World" by Miklós Haraszti(Wed, June 4, 2008) at washingtonpost.

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